New York Breakfast Sandwich

New York Bacon Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich

a new york city staple.

Full Recipe Video:

New York Breakfast Sandwich

Servings: 1


  • 2 eggs

  • Butter

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • Garlic powder

  • Salt & pepper

  • 1 bakery roll

  • 1 slice cheese (American or cheddar)

  • 2-3 slices bacon; cooked

Add 1 tbsp. butter to a medium frying pan and melt on medium heat. Drop 2 eggs in your pan without breaking the yolk (sunny side), sprinkle a little salt & pepper on the eggs to taste. Cover with a lid. Cook eggs until yolk is desired consistency and whites are white. Remove from heat and set aside.

Cut roll in half and butter both sides. Add cheese slice on top half. Place a a piece of foil on the top rack of over and put roll halves (butter side up) on the foil and put into broiler on medium to toast and melt cheese. Don’t broil longer than a couple minutes and make sure to watch bread so it doesn’t burn.

Remove roll from broiler. Spatula your eggs on the bottom roll and break apart your cooked bacon and place on top of eggs. Cover with roll top, cut in half, and enjoy.


We love a classic slice of American cheese on this New York bodega staple, but any good-melting cheese will do.


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