Potato Latkes

Potato Latkes Pancakes

or pancakes.

delicious no matter what you call them.

Full Recipe Video:

Potato Latkes

Servings: 4


  • 3-4 Idaho potatoes; peeled

  • 1 yellow onion

  • 1 egg; whisked

  • 2-4 tbsp. all purpose flour

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • 6 tbsp. olive oil or vegetable oil

  • 1/4 stick butter

    Dipping Sauce:

  • 2 tbsp. sour cream

  • 1 tsp. ground horseradish

  • 1 tbsp. chives; chopped fine

  • Dash of salt & pepper to taste

Grate your potatoes and onion with a standard cheese grater. Once grated, put your potatoes and onions into a strainer, and with a paper towel over the top, press down on them over the sink. You want to remove as much water from the vegetables as you can. Once strained, put potatoes and onions in a large mixing bowl.

Add your whisked egg to your grated vegetables. Add 2 tablespoons flour to your mix. We just want to thicken the mixture, so start with 2 tablespoons. You can add more later if need be. Add salt & ground pepper to taste - probably about a tsp. of each. We always eyeball it, but you can add more later as well. Fold in all ingredients with a flat wooden spoon or spatula. Asses taste and consistency and add more of whatever you need, if anything. It should be thick/tacky enough that you can form a ball and it will hold together.

With a tablespoon, form your mixture into a pancake. It should be about big enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Place on plate/baking sheet as you will be taking them to your stovetop to fry them.

Add your oil and butter to a large frying pan. Set heat to medium. Once oil is hot, start frying latkes in your oil. Don’t overcrowd the pan. Let fry on one side until golden brown (about a minute), and flip to fry on the opposite side. Once golden brown on both sides, remove from oil and place onto plate covered with a paper towel to drain oil.


Mix sour cream, horseradish, chives, salt, and pepper in a small mixing bowl. Whip until creamy.

Serve latkes on a serving dish with your dipping sauce of choice on the side.


For frying, we always opt for olive oil as it’s better for you, but you can use vegetable oil if you prefer.

Since we know a fried potato tastes good dipped in just about anything, you can serve these with a variety of sauces. Traditionally, they are served with the sour cream sauce or apple sauce. But we also like them with ketchup or ranch! Sometimes we will get a little crazy and add Trader Joe’s spicy bomba sauce to the sour cream mix when we’re feeling like a little kick!


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